Plató 80 (Vic)
Translation of advertising and business documents (CA> EN).
Electrodomésticos CATA S.L. (Torelló)
Translation of legal and financial documents (EN> ES / ES> EN / DE> CAT and ES).
Areniscas Monistrol S.L. (Manresa)
Translation of the website (CA> EN / CA> DE).
Tangram Acadèmia (Manlleu)
– Translation of legal and educational documents (DE / EN> CA / ES).
– Project management of translation projects in French and Russian.
TastyHouse (Barcelona)
Translation of the website and advertising material (ES> CA).
OnTranslation (Barcelona)
– Translation of documentation on the construction sector of the City of Barcelona (DE> CA).
– Trials transcription (EN> ES).
Tecsidel S.A. (Barcelona)
– Proofreading and translation of technical documents related to ITS applied to tunnels (EN> EN).
– Translation of legal documents in different language combinations (ES> EN / CA> ES / CA> EN).
– Proofreading of Spanish and English translation of web content.
JordanBCN (Barcelona)
– Translation of the letter and the restaurant menu Pearl of Barcelona (EN> ES).
– Project management of translation projects in Russian, Korean and French.
Bettobcn (Vic) – Proofreading of the catalogue in Spanish.
UIER (Unió Intersectorial Empresarial del Ripollès) – Academic training in marketing and intenrational trade.